Thursday, August 5, 2010

A family that plays together...

First of all I have to say that blogging is like doing crafts and reading novels for me; I do it in spurts. LOL! I decided that it has been long enough, and I should sit down and write something.

I can't believe how fast the summer is going by! It seems crazy. We haven't done much this summer, but we have had a few fun days together. Most recently and most memorably, was 2 weekends ago, we played mud volleyball at our church. We had so much fun! I never expected to enjoy it so much. The best part was at the end, they had a mud free for all, and all of the families played in the mud together. Lilah wasn't so sure at first, but by the end of it, our whole family was covered! This was one of those moments that I hope I remember forever!