Friday, May 14, 2010

Where did all of the time go?

Tomorrow is a big day in our house! Lilah is getting a big girl bed. I have one question for you! Where did all of the time go? I swear that it was just last week that I was telling my Dad that all I wanted for Christmas was a boyfriend. Now look at me! LOL! If you know me, this is a big step for me. Especially because Lilah still sleeps in our room. She sleeps in a crib, but I have slept in the same room with her, everyday, since the day she was born. Our deal was that Lilah could stay in our room until she got a big girl bed, and then it would be time to move her to her own room. :( I just don't feel ready, like she won't be able to sleep without me nearby. Or she will be scared in her new room or most of all, she won't be safe unless I am right there. This is another one of those moments where God is telling me that no matter how hard I try, I can't control every situation. Sometimes I just have to trust Him and know that she will be fine, and that NO, it is not normal for a child to sleep in her parents room until she goes to college! LOL! Where did all of the time go? How is it that my little girl is growing up so fast? How do I appreciate everyday, even the "rough" ones? I guess when all is said and done, all I can do is my best, and pray that it was enough! You can bet that these last few nights that she is in our room, as we transition her into her big girl bed, I am going to soak up and treasure every little sound that I hear from her crib! (BTW, this is one of those moments where my heart is breaking!)


  1. transitions are always hard; I'm sure you guys will adjust and your little one will do great in her new big bed! it is hard to let go, but like you said the best thing to do is pray and trust God; he really does know best indeed :)

    you guys will do just fine :)


  2. I can't tell you how many mornings I wake up with toes in my nose and a little elbow in my ribs. My kids always know that if they are scared they can hop in with us...One morning I woke up with all three boys and the dopey yellow dog in bed with me!

    Love you, and good luck with the big girl bed!
